Category Archives: ears

Product Review – Amplicom Alarm Clock for the Hearing Impaired and People with Little Sisters Who Need More Sleep

I don’t often do product reviews on the blog because that’s not really what this blog is about, but it is about my family and if something strikes me as particularly cool or important or relevant, I’ll blog about it. … Continue reading

Posted in ears, Reviews, shopping, technology | 2 Comments

Is There Any More Doctors?

I spent the evening with Wanda at the Urgent Care facility tonight. We’re really good at ear infections and eye infections and sinus infections and pretty much every infections. Last night she was up several times crying and in pain, … Continue reading

Posted in blick, ears, health, near-death | 4 Comments

Over This Bump

Laylee got her hearing aids last week, launching us into a whole new world of joy and wellness and a place where Dan and I can no longer whisper things above her head without the risk of her overhearing. We … Continue reading

Posted in ears, parenting | 41 Comments

Go for Launch

It was a good day. A little sick. A little crazy. A little tiring. But good. We left the house at 7am and headed into Seattle for an early morning CT scan. I had so built Laylee up about how … Continue reading

Posted in ears, health | 33 Comments

Please Sir – Buy My Wares

Things have been a little wild around here, me with my head cold, Dan with his stomach flu and the kids with the freedom to run wild through the house. Being the least sick of the two of us, it’s … Continue reading

Posted in crafty, ears, health, near-death | 19 Comments

Heard This Week

Laylee to me: “It’s so much more fun to cuddle with you because you’re so much more fatter and it’s just more comfortable.” Laylee: “Can I get a whoop whoop?!” Magoo [very sternly with raised eyebrows]: “No. You. May. NOT!” … Continue reading

Posted in ears, fun, fun, fun, kid stuff, save me from myself | 19 Comments