Category Archives: blick


Thursday morning I was talking with Dan about my book and how many copies I wanted to order myself. 100? 500? He looked a bit squirmish and said, “Maybe we should wait and see what happens today. Microsoft just announced … Continue reading

Posted in around town, blick, he's so fine he blows my mind, Honesty of Children, scaring the neighbors, What Thompsons Do, work, world domination | 21 Comments

Hot Heat

It is stinkin’ hot here! Ahem. “forseattle,” she coughs into her hand. In the Seattle area, we tend to worship the sun until we actually feel the sun and then we shrink and hide from it and ask each other … Continue reading

Posted in around town, blick, disasters, family fun, fashion, scaring the neighbors, weather | 1 Comment

Slug Friends Probably

Slugs sick me out. They make me want to vomit. If you’ve never stepped on a slug with your bare feet and felt it pop, you might not be emotionally equipped to understand what it feels like to truly hate … Continue reading

Posted in blick, disasters, kid stuff, poser in granolaville, save me from myself | 7 Comments

Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands

I was woken up at 5am last night-morning by Dan palming my face like a basketball he’d lost in a dark closet. His hand was flapping around on my face and I just finally said, “Stop. Stop. Seriously. What are … Continue reading

Posted in blick, kid stuff, parenting | 1 Comment

Mistakes Were Made

Sometimes passive voice is needed. Sometimes mistakes are made. Jars of applesauce might even be smashed on the garage floor. We had a gaggle of delightful family members in town this past weekend for Magoo’s baptism. Yay! He decided to … Continue reading

Posted in blick, disasters, domesticality, faith, food, he's so fine he blows my mind, save me from myself | 9 Comments

Is There Any More Doctors?

I spent the evening with Wanda at the Urgent Care facility tonight. We’re really good at ear infections and eye infections and sinus infections and pretty much every infections. Last night she was up several times crying and in pain, … Continue reading

Posted in blick, ears, health, near-death | 4 Comments