Monthly Archives: December 2006

Pack up the Choking Hazards

Laylee:  Isn’t my doll wonderful? Me:  Yep. Laylee:  She has a hat AND a purse.  Her purse is so small.  She can only carry really really tiny things like… like choking hazards… and other tiny things. Oh Ginny, Ginny who … Continue reading

Posted in kid stuff | 13 Comments

Socks are Warm

I think the rats are gone.  If not, I’m giving them the silent treatment.  Is that cruel?  If it is, please comment on this post and tell me that I have no right to be a mother because of the … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, Random | 9 Comments

Capturing Angels

Posted in fun, fun, fun | 14 Comments

Santa Wears a Yellow Slicker

WE HAVE POWER!!!  Early Thursday morning the trucks rolled in.  The men from Montana in rubber pants and jackets stood out in the pouring rain with generators, cranes and hand tools. An hour later my dishwasher was running, the house was … Continue reading

Posted in around town, near-death | 11 Comments

Disaster Number Three

I have a few minutes at a friend’s house to type a quick blog entry and thaw my toes and my children. A major windstorm hit the Seattle area Thursday night, knocking down trees and leaving millions of residents without … Continue reading

Posted in near-death | 26 Comments

My Favorite Things- A Petition

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend over the last few years in our media.  There is an increased use of the song, My Favorite Things, as an anthem of Christmas and I think it’s just wrong.  I can offer plenty of evidence … Continue reading

Posted in Random, world domination | 35 Comments