Monthly Archives: October 2013

Guess What I Am For Halloween

Olive Garden Employee after a shift? (Wo)Man in Black? With red ears? A BACK-UP DANCER! One of two back-up dancers Was there a witch and a fairy in that video? You know? There might have been.

Posted in family fun, video | 2 Comments

The Numbers

Dan and I go to “MegaCorp” each year for a health screening. It’s a Know Your Numbers campaign. They want you to know all your numbers, your good and bad cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, BMI… circumference… etc. The past three … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, around town, health | Comments Off on The Numbers

Drops of Awesome – The Book – Coming Soonish

I’m thrilled, in that YayButOhWOWIHaveTonsOfWorkToDo sort of way, to announce that I just signed on with California-based publisher Familius to create a book based on the ideas in my blog post, Drops of Awesome. I cannot think of a better … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, aspirations, Blogging, work, writing | 17 Comments

It’s All Fun and Games Until…

Posted in family fun, kid stuff, near-death | 1 Comment

What Story Will You Tell the World Before You Leave it?

I’m not dying. Or, more correctly, I’m dying very slowly. I should make it in 60 years or so. But I do think about life and death a lot. My grandma recently passed away and I have a cousin a … Continue reading

Posted in beauty, get serious, writing | 2 Comments