Category Archives: save me from myself

I Could Have Danced All Night

It’s jazz night at the Senior Center. Dan’s playing saxophone in the band and the kids and I are eating delicious gentle-on-the-dentures delicacies, reading middle grade fantasy novels, and periodically dancing like spasmodic maniacs. My feet move in a pattern … Continue reading

Posted in around town, aspirations, family fun, save me from myself | 2 Comments

Slug Friends Probably

Slugs sick me out. They make me want to vomit. If you’ve never stepped on a slug with your bare feet and felt it pop, you might not be emotionally equipped to understand what it feels like to truly hate … Continue reading

Posted in blick, disasters, kid stuff, poser in granolaville, save me from myself | 7 Comments

Singing Telegram

Wanda was sick. She’d been hacking up a lung for days and I’d kept her home from school and other activities. One morning she woke up coughing nigh unto death and barfed all over her bed. It was a lovely … Continue reading

Posted in near-death, save me from myself, scaring the neighbors, shopping | 5 Comments

I Know! You Can Borrow My Car

My parents taught me to be kind, loving, honest, selfless and… auto maintenance. That’s why this particular story is so embarrassing to me. For the Thanksgiving/Christmas season, my mom and dad are in town, about 45 minutes away from here. … Continue reading

Posted in aspirations, save me from myself | 2 Comments

Mistakes Were Made

Sometimes passive voice is needed. Sometimes mistakes are made. Jars of applesauce might even be smashed on the garage floor. We had a gaggle of delightful family members in town this past weekend for Magoo’s baptism. Yay! He decided to … Continue reading

Posted in blick, disasters, domesticality, faith, food, he's so fine he blows my mind, save me from myself | 9 Comments

Drops of a Podcast

Today I had the chance to speak with Dr. Paul Jenkins on his Live on Purpose Radio podcast. We chatted about Drops of Awesome and a little of the background behind it. He’s so delightful to speak to and I … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, save me from myself | 4 Comments