Monthly Archives: October 2007


The answer to the question — “Where do you keep the scissors?” — should always be — “Higher.” Today Laylee gave Stephanie’s 3-year-old a serious mullet. She shaved groovy designs in Magoo’s tender scalp, and was just taking her turn … Continue reading

Posted in beauty, fun, fun, fun, kid stuff | 40 Comments


I got an email from Wendy the other day with a subject line that said “Poo.” She wasn’t going to be able to make it to our Seattle Mom Blogs party and she was expressing her disappointment excrementally. As is … Continue reading

Posted in kid stuff | 5 Comments

Post Partum Mood Disorder

Starting this week at The Parenting Post, I’m doing a series on my experiences with Post Partum Mood Disorder.

Posted in all about me, brains, parenting | 4 Comments

My House Smells Better than a Dead Whale

Do you have your very own marine biologist to change your Betta fish’s water? I do. I pay her with leftover enchiladas and stories about all the crazy people I’ve known in my life. She likes the stories and I … Continue reading

Posted in aspirations, blick, Friendship, shish, women | 15 Comments

Your Opinion Matters to Us

Okay y’all. I need your help. Well “need” is a funny word. I would like your help greatly. 1. I’m likely starting a new feature on each week where I will highlight great posts from blogs written by parents. … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, Blogging, parenting | 64 Comments

This Poor Girl

We spent an hour at the dollar store looking for the best possible toy in the world ever… that we could procure for the sum of one dollar. Laylee chose this slightly demented-looking princess Polly Pocket knock-off with removable hair. … Continue reading

Posted in kid stuff, shopping, wardrobe malfunctions | 12 Comments