Monthly Archives: October 2007

Would Someone Please Freeze My Very Small People?

I want them just like this. For always.

Posted in kid stuff, unbearable cuteness | 18 Comments

Little Bookstore on the Prairie

I went to the bookstore this weekend. My parents are in town and we thusly sped through the rest of Little House on the Prairie at lightning speed, Laylee curled up on my Dad’s lap, face squinched in concentration. She … Continue reading

Posted in around town, get serious, I can read | 18 Comments

More Brain Stories

I’m continuing to share the story of my post partum trauma over at The Parenting Post. One more week of this and I’ll get back to the usual silliness of my life.

Posted in brains, parenting | 2 Comments

Two Handed

The cookie cutter package of childlike goodies goes to ~velia. Congratulations! Anyone else who wants to buy the cookies or other fun items from Kim and Jason can order with free shipping on their site through November 2nd with the … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, blick, brains, near-death | 12 Comments

At Least My Sweatshirt has Features

I’m sick and sickly, yo. My throat hurts in a way that makes my ears itch WAY down on the inside, WAY down where my ear canal connects to my gland canal connects to my hipbone. So I drank some … Continue reading

Posted in Random | 32 Comments

Package of Joy

I went to the mailbox today and found a super fun package from Kim and Jason’s lemonade stand, a gift in honor of my fabulous award. The box was full of fun prizes, my favorite being these super cute ABC … Continue reading

Posted in contests | 55 Comments