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Category Archives: Love and Marriage
Don’t Put the Grocery Money in Your Bra
At times, I have been known to spend money in a fashion similar to that of an imbibing mariner. This combined with my hatred of budgets and our need to put a new roof on the house has me and … Continue reading
Real Men Watch Victorian Romance Movies
And they LIKE them! Wives and Daughters finally came up in my Netflix queue last week and the first disc in the BBC miniseries arrived by mail much to my girlish glee and delight. Dan got home from work when … Continue reading
Posted in all about me, domesticality, Love and Marriage
The Promises We Make
When we get married, we make a bunch of promises. Some we make in front of God, legal authorities and our Aunt Bertha. Some are lovingly whispered in a car late at night in front of your apartment. There are … Continue reading
Posted in domesticality, family fun, Love and Marriage
Wishing You
Pleasure Romance and Love Thank you Dan for the clean kitchen, the flowers and not raising your eyebrows as I drown myself slowly in chocolate. Happy Decadent Holiday of Catholic Origin everyone! If you’ve written about love today, leave a … Continue reading
Tip Tuesday — Not Meant to Be
Tips are now back on Tuesdays because, hey, I’m the boss of this blog. My sister-in-law and her roommates used to always ask me for romance advice because I’m totally married so I know pretty much all there is to … Continue reading
Posted in Love and Marriage, tip tuesday
Tip Tuesday — Summer Lovin’
Dan and I are rounding out 5 years of wedded bliss, and wedded bliss it has been, lassies. I love him dearly. Every once in a while I like to look back and remember our first kiss, a kiss which … Continue reading