Category Archives: holidays

A Table Full of Thanks and Giving

My hands-down favorite Thanksgiving tradition is the So Let It Be Written Thanksgiving Tablecloth. I like this even more than the fancy cheese tradition, where we test out all kinds of new fancy cheeses late Thanksgiving night after the turkey … Continue reading

Posted in domesticality, holidays | 7 Comments

Grow Your Own Easter Grass

My fabulous next door neighbor is like the all-natural McGyver of crafting. She can take sticks, dirt specks and pine gum and create an elegant chandelier. She can make anything in the world out of sheep’s wool and she notices … Continue reading

Posted in crafty, domesticality, holidays | 7 Comments

Easter Show and Tell

In his Easter basket, or rather under it, Magoo got a gigantic illustrated Lego Star Wars encyclopedia. In a plastic sleeve on the bottom corner of the book was a tiny Lego Luke Skywalker. So Sunday night he’s talking to … Continue reading

Posted in holidays, scaring the neighbors, unbearable cuteness | Comments Off on Easter Show and Tell

Saving People from Bad Ghosts is a Labor of Love

All day long on Valentine’s Day, I was listening to romantical music to put me in the mood for love. I pulled out the eighties power ballads, the Whitney, the Celine. I got in deep. And in his deepest of … Continue reading

Posted in holidays, Honesty of Children, Love and Marriage | 4 Comments

Happy Valentine’s Day!

And may all your heart-shaped pancakes be fluffy!

Posted in food, holidays, Love and Marriage | 2 Comments

WITH Siren

My parents and sister came to visit us for Christmas and it was so fun to have them here. It’s the first time we’ve ever had family up for the holiday and we wanted to make it special so we … Continue reading

Posted in family fun, holidays, shopping, technology | 3 Comments