Monthly Archives: October 2007

Too Much Slack in All the Wrong Places

This weekend was my church’s big twice yearly conference. It’s a time when Mormons all over the world watch church at home in their pajamas for 2 days as it’s broadcast from Salt Lake City. The prophet and other church … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, aspirations, parenting, women | 47 Comments

A Whining Whiner

Yesterday was a serious day. Today I’m whining over at about silly things that do not deserve to be whined about. I know life is good when this is all I have to complain about: If the logs crackle … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, domesticality, he's so fine he blows my mind, parenting | 3 Comments

My Responsibility

There’s a small local bookstore in my neighborhood. I like books. I like supporting the town. So I shop at this bookstore. The books are used. Sometimes I have to settle for Olivia Saves the Circus instead of the original … Continue reading

Posted in around town, get serious, parenting, signs, world domination | 80 Comments

Shelfari is LIKE a Virus

Lately I’ve received a few invites to join the social networking site Shelfari and share my book preferences with friends. So tonight I decided to sign up. It sounded fun. I went to the page and it asked me for … Continue reading

Posted in get serious, Reviews, save me from myself | 29 Comments

A Most Prestigious Award

Do you have ADULTITIS?! I certainly hope not. According to Kim and Jason, the experts of silliness at Kim and Jason, I have the cure. So go and get diagnosed and if you find yourself afflicted, come back over here … Continue reading

Posted in fun, fun, fun, kid stuff | 4 Comments

Stroller Winner

Dudes. This was really hard. I want to give you all a stroller. Okay, that’s not true. But I want to give at least 5 of you a stroller and the rest of you all big hugs. In the end, … Continue reading

Posted in baby stuff, contests, shopping | 2 Comments