Yesterday was a serious day. Today I’m whining over at about silly things that do not deserve to be whined about. I know life is good when this is all I have to complain about:
If the logs crackle loud enough, you can’t hear the dust bunnies laughing… [read more at]
The same thing happens to me when Ben works a ton. I can’t be sure how many times I have gone through the entire West Wing drama, but it’s a lot- sadly, I have been known to watch 4+ episodes in one sitting when Ben has been working late. Also, this is why my girls think that oatmeal is for dinner and not for breakfast (easy meal, fiber = less mommy meal guilt).
Also, when do you head down here next?
Enjoy slacking while you can because as your kids get older you have to grow up and start “setting an example”. Ten year old’s are smart enough to figure out that you only let them have one brownie after dinner but you ate the rest of the pan when they were in bed. I hate that!
i am in that same place, but it will be a year for us in december of me being a “married but single mom”. it sucks. and sometimes its hard to keep a good perspective on the situation. after he is done with next year (which we’re hoping will be better than this year) he will most likely be deployed. so i’ll be single again. but that comes with his job. i feel your pain and i wish i could sit with you, but its still too hot here to have a fire, let alone actually wear pajamas to bed. 🙂