Author Archives: Guest Schmoop

About Guest Schmoop

I am the Daring Young Dad, of course.

Using your head

We were sitting down to a tasty hot-dog dinner a few nights ago, and Magoo was having a difficult time with the mustard. He simply could not squeeze it hard enough to get it to squirt. “Let me help you, … Continue reading

Posted in food, Honesty of Children, kid stuff, unbearable cuteness | 2 Comments

How to know if things are going great

As we sat down to breakfast this morning, Laylee expressed her happiness with her situation in life: “Everything is going great for me right now. My hair is turning curly, I have a loose tooth, and I brushed my teeth … Continue reading

Posted in family fun, Honesty of Children, kid stuff, unbearable cuteness | 4 Comments

The Phantom Experience — According to Dan

Yeah. That guy’s pretty much a freak show.

Posted in around town, Reviews | 6 Comments

Covering all the bases

Overheard recently: DYM:  Does anyone know where the scissors are? Magoo:  [drawl]  Nooope. [fast]  I-know-I-know-I-know! [pause]  Whaaaat? ____________________________ DYM: [putting on Magoo’s elbow pads]  It’s elbow time! Magoo: I LOOOOVE ebow time!  … Wha’s ebow time? ____________________________ DYM:  We’re having … Continue reading

Posted in family fun, food, kid stuff, unbearable cuteness | 11 Comments

Her back is “out”

Kathryn’s back is “out”. Not “out” as in “un-cool”; “out” as in “out of commission”. (I find her back very cool.) So she asked I post a little something to let you all know that she has not, in fact, … Continue reading

Posted in family fun, fashion, Friendship, health, holidays, kid stuff, near-death, unbearable cuteness | 18 Comments

Magoo is Three-ish

“Something happened to Magoo on his third birthday. As he collapsed into an exhausted coma on my lap after a fun-filled day at Disneyland and slept sweetly through the singing and the candles and the cake, some crazy switch of … Continue reading

Posted in blick, kid stuff, parenting | 3 Comments