Monthly Archives: March 2012


Wanda’s been spending a lot of time in the joint lately. Our personal joint is a spot in the hall outside the bathroom door. There is no worse place on earth than the time out spot. Placing her in it … Continue reading

Posted in child abuse, fun, fun, fun, Honesty of Children, kid stuff | 11 Comments

Rejection Letters

I’ve been thinking a lot about rejection lately. I’ve been shopping my novel around to agents and they’ve been telling me, “No thank you.” I expected to be rejected repeatedly before finding someone who wanted to represent me but it … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, aspirations, get serious, kid stuff, writing | 8 Comments

Grow Your Own Easter Grass

My fabulous next door neighbor is like the all-natural McGyver of crafting. She can take sticks, dirt specks and pine gum and create an elegant chandelier. She can make anything in the world out of sheep’s wool and she notices … Continue reading

Posted in crafty, domesticality, holidays | 7 Comments