Category Archives: writing

Please Sir, Will You Buy My Book?

We’re so close, I can taste it. I guess I could actually taste it, if I wanted to. Although Drops of Awesome: The You’re-More-Awesome-Than-You-Think Journal doesn’t release for another week, I already have my copies in all their deliciousness. That … Continue reading

Posted in aspirations, drops of awesome, shopping, writing | 11 Comments

To Market To Market

So, if writing a new book is like a honeymoon and editing it is like going to marriage therapy, then marketing a book is like begging your friends to tell everyone in person and online how awesome your marriage is … Continue reading

Posted in world domination, writing | 29 Comments

Blowing Young Minds at a Bookstore Near You

When I say Laylee loves the Fablehaven series by Brandon Mull, I mean LOVE, as in the characters are practically honorary family members. I’m fairly certain that she’s read all five books in the series no fewer than twenty times. … Continue reading

Posted in around town, aspirations, writing | 7 Comments

If Anne Studied Electrical Engineering in Fifth Grade

My daughter Laylee – with an “e” – is mighty flowery in her language and I love to read it. She was asked to write a paragraph about her reaction to her experience studying electricity. To my pallet, it tastes … Continue reading

Posted in education, kid stuff, writing | 6 Comments

Drops of Awesome – The Book – Coming Soonish

I’m thrilled, in that YayButOhWOWIHaveTonsOfWorkToDo sort of way, to announce that I just signed on with California-based publisher Familius to create a book based on the ideas in my blog post, Drops of Awesome. I cannot think of a better … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, aspirations, Blogging, work, writing | 17 Comments

What Story Will You Tell the World Before You Leave it?

I’m not dying. Or, more correctly, I’m dying very slowly. I should make it in 60 years or so. But I do think about life and death a lot. My grandma recently passed away and I have a cousin a … Continue reading

Posted in beauty, get serious, writing | 2 Comments