Monthly Archives: June 2008

So Darn Medium

When we arrived at the Long Beach airport in May for our family’s Disneyland vacation, our plane had to sit on the runway for an hour and a half waiting for one of the three parking spots to open up … Continue reading

Posted in around town, kid stuff | 15 Comments

Filth and Progress

The differences between filth and progress are very subtle so I will walk you through a few of them. [read more at]

Posted in domesticality, parenting | Comments Off on Filth and Progress


Today Magoo marked his territory in the baked goods isle of The Family Grocer. It’s much “grosser” now than it was before. He stood next to me as I perused the canning supplies and suddenly let out a huge, “OH. … Continue reading

Posted in blick, kid stuff | 15 Comments

OCD Spice Girl – Livin’ the Dream

**Update** I’m very obsessed with containers but I didn’t realize everyone else would like them as much as I do so I didn’t include a link. I got them here. I bought the 4oz size and they hold half a … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, domesticality, food | 41 Comments

Heard This Week

Laylee to me: “It’s so much more fun to cuddle with you because you’re so much more fatter and it’s just more comfortable.” Laylee: “Can I get a whoop whoop?!” Magoo [very sternly with raised eyebrows]: “No. You. May. NOT!” … Continue reading

Posted in ears, fun, fun, fun, kid stuff, save me from myself | 19 Comments

The Urine is Here!

The sanity is not. We’re doing it. We’re saying goodbye to diapers and hello to stench and stains and public restrooms and plastic bags in my purse waiting to be filled with little peed-in Lightning McQueen special pants. Magoo’s been … Continue reading

Posted in blick, fun, fun, fun, kid stuff | 27 Comments