It’s okay that I don’t have the strength to shower because I’ve also lost my sense of smell.
It’s okay that I don’t have the strength to work out because all food has lost its appeal for me.
It’s okay that I’m totally breaking out because I have a nice red nose to match the nice red dots all over my face.
Too much workin’ out, young lady!! Just makes ya sick! Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better soon!
I hear ya. showers are overrated anyways.
Concord is fueling up!
BFF & soup is on the way!
They say acceptance is the first step. Good for you.
I am convinced the reason you and I get along so well is our flare for the dramatic! 🙂 I have the headache that is so bad, it is certainly something very bad and I am convinced my head is going to explode into little bits all over my walls.
Get well soon!!!
Red dots all over your face? What kind of plague is this anyway?
Oh no!!! Not the RAGING VIRAL PLAGUE OF DEATH!!! But I love reading your blog… whatever shall I do??? I mean.. er.. um… I hope you feel better soon… people say that Cold FX works??? expensive, never tried it, but in the name of my entertainment, I say you give it a shot! Good Luck, and I REALLY do hope you feel better soon, sounds raunchy! Take a jammies day… or 3, rent “Hairspray” cause I know that makes me feel better.. umm… well, I really should go…..before I get flogged for my movie choices too… TAKE CARE AND FEEL BETTER SOON!!!! From Canada 🙂
Who do you think you are – Pollyanna?!
(Get better, please.)
I’m with grammyelin, what kind of plague is this? Have you been to the Dr.? Doctors can be good sometimes. Hope you feel better sooooon. Sorry about that.
Oh, poor you! Feel better soon!
I knew there was something fishy about The Biggest Loser!!!! Stay away from THAT (need I say, like the plague?).
Feel better soon, sucks being sick.
Sending Mama Bear Hugs,
Good, good. Glad all is well. Channeling my grandfather here!