Category Archives: dancing

This is My Jam

This is my jam. It was a hot jam but now it’s a cool jam. It is definitely a slow jam. It took several hours yesterday to make. Since Magoo eats jam like some people breathe air, I decided to … Continue reading

Posted in aspirations, dancing, Friendship, scaring the neighbors | 6 Comments

Reluctant Red

“In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” ~Mr. Darcy I love Taylor Swift against my will. Love. For … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, around town, dancing, driving, Fan Girl, save me from myself | 9 Comments

Defining Themselves Musically

He’d say, “Don’t turn around and look at me unless you wanna see something really cool!” as though it were a warning, like perhaps his moves were too fresh for my eyes to behold. They were amazing, but never once … Continue reading

Posted in dancing, parenting | 1 Comment

Drill Team, Princesses and the Best Mom Ever, Who is Me

I’m always looking for great new ways to play the hero to my children, while expending limited money and effort. Sometimes I really have to search for these opportunities and other times they just bonk me over the head. The … Continue reading

Posted in around town, dancing, women | 17 Comments

The Best Dance Song EVER

Posted in dancing, driving, fun, fun, fun, video | 46 Comments

Prima Princessa Ballet Giveaway

***The Winner is Steph from Diapers and Divinity. Yay. I like her and likes her too apparently.*** Laylee is loving everything ballet. She loves the shoes, the tutus, the music, the finger positions and even the little fakey twittering … Continue reading

Posted in contests, dancing, kid stuff | 19 Comments