Brainiversity – Giveaway


***And the winners are Shaye and CBS! Congrats.***

I often feel that my brain is going to mush. I’ve tried reading Tolstoy, playing Sudoku, taking extended adult naps, brushing my teeth with my non-dominant hand and many other remedies for getting my brain in shape and improving my memory.

None of these were as much fun as playing Brainiversity, a new brain fitness game from Brighter Minds Media. Full of fun little brain stimulating activities, it gets you thinking on your feet and then tracks your progress as you complete daily quizzes.

I was excited about my progress as I continued to improve my scores from day to day. The excitement wore off JUST a titch when Laylee got on my computer to play by clicking on things randomly since she can’t read or do math and earned basically the same score as I had worked my way up to.

I’ll just chalk it up to the fact that she’s likely a child of unparalleled and even freakish genius, not that I am a moron who’s brain is in a state of rapid decay. Hopefully even if the latter is true, I’ll be able to reverse the effects by keeping up my daily brain-ercises.

If you’d like to keep your brain agile enough to help your kids with their homework, leave a comment on this post and I’ll enter you to win one of two copies of the PC-compatible version of the game. I’ll draw a winner on Wednesday at 10pm PST.

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80 Responses to Brainiversity – Giveaway

  1. I love games. I would love to win.

  2. Wendy says:

    I need that. My IQ is shrinking even as I type….

  3. Bailey's Leaf says:

    My brain needs this. Please help. Thank you!

  4. debbie says:

    Wait…what did I come here to do? I need this. Thanks.

  5. cornnut32 says:

    here’s to getting rid of baby brain! woohoo! 🙂

  6. Sign me up. What mom doesn’t need more brain stimulation?

  7. Nancy says:

    pick me, pick me 🙂

  8. MommyJ says:

    oh please sign me up. i need some brainercises.

  9. Kellye Bug says:

    As a new mom, I have a ton of mush on the brain… sometimes I wonder how it all fits in here! I too have tried Sudoku and little tricks to strengthen my main muscle, but I am not seeing a lot of progress. I still lose my shoes and wedding ring on a daily basis and just last week, I (well, actually my husband) found my car keys in the freezer… the keypad still isn’t working to unlock/disarm my car.

    Too bad I was late for church on Sunday and when I realized I forgot the baby’s changing pad, I re-entered my car. The alarm went off for a few minutes DURING service and when we entered the church everyone was laughing. Oh well, at least it made for a great laugh! Hope you have a great week!

  10. For a Season says:

    As Providence would have it, I apparently skipped the “freakishly genius” gene in my family….the rest are all doctors/proffessionals with 2-3 letter designators behind their names. I could use any help I can get! 🙂
    Bless you,

  11. Shalee says:

    I could so use this one… The Girl’s math is starting to make me think hard before answering…

  12. I hope I win! My husband would love the brain teasers and trivia. He plays Sudoku, does work jumbles and crossword puzzle all the time to excercise his miiind.

  13. Azul says:

    Oh, I’d love to win one of these! I’d just…


    What were we talking about?

    See, I NEED to excercise my poor ol’ flabby brain!

  14. Heidi says:

    Yup, I could definitely use this…

  15. Lindsey says:

    Sounds like fun. I’ve seen programs like this on hand-held game systems, but I think I’d like it much better on my computer since I already spend so much time here.

  16. Chi says:

    I would love to give this a try 🙂

  17. cbs says:

    My brain definitly needs help! See, I think I just misspelled definately. Not sure which is one is right. Both wrong maybe?

  18. KYouell says:

    Enter me too. Not too many brain cells left & I’d like to maximize the ones I have.

  19. Sarah says:

    Mushy, mushy brain… Need a lifeline… 😉

  20. nat mac says:

    do you ever enter a room and just stand there trying to figure out why you went into that room in the first place? It happens to me often. too often.
    maybe this would help me as I wrangle a teen, tween and toddler

  21. Shaye says:

    YAY! I would LOVE to get this software. Just birthed my 3rd baby (they’re all still pre-school age) and am finishing my 2nd masters degree while at home discovering cheerios in my coffee and mushy fruit in my shoes (found a bite of pear just yesterday–unfortunately not before stepped into the shoe).

    My multi-tasking days seem gone–even though I try the spinning plates routine daily, this brain can only thoroughly perform one task at a time these days. Must get Brainiversity!

  22. I bought a book of crossword puzzles to help keep my brain active. I think I’ve half-finished about 6 of them. I need this!

  23. Amber Snair says:

    My brain needs stimulation!!! I would love to win this one!
    Check out my blog to see my adorable girls 🙂

  24. Paige says:

    If I only had a brain…

  25. Carolee says:

    I love winning free stuff — not that it’s happened any time recently. But hope springs eternal. Please enter me.

  26. Pam in Utah says:

    I’m in. I neeeed it. 🙂 Love ya, Pam

  27. Laura Lee says:

    Looks like a fantastic way to whip your brain into shape!

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