A Commentary on Something

As I was pulling Laylee’s piggy tale holders out tonight, she started whining.









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13 Responses to A Commentary on Something

  1. mamadeb says:

    Jackson spells “OW” everytime the phrase is appropriate. I think it’s because it’s the only thing he’s figured out how to spell on his own.

  2. Sue says:

    My three year old son now refers to tv channels by their web address. “Mom, can I watch pbskids dot org?” Or “Mom, I want to watch Noggin dot com where a kid can be a kid.”

  3. Kelsey says:

    Y does the same thing but in high pitched wails!

  4. seven says:

    I love it. So cute.

  5. Casey says:

    Adorable. I wish I’d had something that clever to yell when I was little and my mom was brushing the knots out of my hair.

    My 4-year old sometimes wanders the house muttering “dot org” under his breath. Maybe, as Sue mentioned, he gets it from PBS.

  6. Becky says:

    Ah, so cute. 🙂 From the mouths of babes… 🙂

  7. Ya just can’t make up stuff as good as this! 🙂

  8. Shalee says:

    Hey, we were channeling the same feelings yesterday. I think I said all that when trying to close on our house and pay the fees. OW!

  9. papaclint says:

    Slow news day huh?

  10. Nikki says:

    I think this is my favorite post ever.

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