Young Biblical Scholars

On the way home from church yesterday we had this conversation.
Me: What did you learn about in nursery Magoo?
Magoo: Bubbles.
Me: Fun. Did you have a lesson?
Magoo: Bubbles.
Me: You did a picture of Moses. Did you learn about him?
Magoo: Yes.
Me: Awesome. Was he a prophet?
Magoo [looking at me like I’m a total MORON]: NO. He’s a BABY!

Laylee was a little more willing to share her great knowledge. I guess they learned about Jesus healing the ten lepers. She said that Jesus probably felt pretty medium about the whole thing. Happy that the one guy said thank you but sad about the other nine. So, just sort of medium.

He was a baby too at one time, as evidenced by our Little People Nativity. But it seems that he grew to maturity, at least old enough to heal people and feel medium about it. I hope Moses will too.

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8 Responses to Young Biblical Scholars

  1. Lisa says:

    I love it! Good thing you have those little ones going to their classes to help you remember stuff like the fact that Moses [is] a baby. I can’t believe you forgot that! And how awesome to see that your daughter not only listens and learns, but interprets.

    I believe medium is a good way to describe how he DID feel, though maybe the word would best describe the average of his feelings. How cute are those kids!

  2. Beth says:

    That is still the bed kid line ever! Medium. Hahahahaaa! I’m sure Moses didn’t feel medium much in his life. You’ll have to ask her when she learns more about him! 🙂

  3. Becky says:

    I love the “medium” assessment – too cute. Oh, and I love seeing their little art projects – “baby moses” is definitely a classic.
    🙂 Becky

  4. Nikki says:

    Yep. You get one more tally on my radness scale for that one.

  5. Emilee says:

    I can totally relate. My 4yo ds thinks “Baby Jesus” & “Jesus as big as Daddy” are two different people.

  6. jodi jean says:

    “he’s a baby” … reminds me of my favorite sceen in taladega nights when will ferrell is praying to baby jesus … holy moley i almost pee my pants every time!!

  7. Rebecca says:

    My kids learn many things in Sunday School, like about Deborah, the Bee Eating Woman. Mmhmm?

  8. Isabel says:

    This page took forever to load. At first I read that Jesus felt “pretty” about it. And I was thinking “well, next to all those lepers I bet he did feel pretty.

    (Babboo seems to only learn about “choo-choos” in nursery. So your nursery is one step up from mine. You should thank your lucky stars.)

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