Category Archives: poser in granolaville

Whoa NETI!

As someone who has been known to vomit when faced with the sound of my husband blowing his nose and who swears they know what phlegm smells like and is sickened by the scent of it especially when it’s coming … Continue reading

Posted in blick, poser in granolaville, save me from myself | 29 Comments

Consumer Motivation

I bought these because they are unsulphured and unsweetened. I bought these because they are made from BLUE CORN, which is corn that is BLUE. The chips may not be a whole food, but they only have 3 ingredients and … Continue reading

Posted in around town, food, fun, fun, fun, organics, poser in granolaville, shopping | 22 Comments

Poser in Granolaville

Last November around Thanksgiving I found myself in the Whole Body section of Whole Foods, wearing a beret I had crocheted by hand. The hat was supposed to be a present for my little sister for Christmas but it wasn’t … Continue reading

Posted in aspirations, food, poser in granolaville, shopping | 22 Comments