Category Archives: health

17 Days of What?!

I don’t watch Dr. Phil anymore. There was a time when I was a new mom with one baby when I would watch me a little of the doctor and the Oprah, of a weekday afternoon. But those days are … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, aspirations, food, health, save me from myself, weight loss | 6 Comments

Breakup Weight Gain

Wanda’s winding down on nursing, trying to break up with me gently. I’m a bit sad, a bit excited about getting my body back and a bit scared about what will happen to that body when it’s back under my … Continue reading

Posted in baby stuff, health, parenting, weight loss | 1 Comment

I Can See Clearly Now and the Rain is Gone But It Will Be Back RE: I Live in the Seattle Area

It seems that everyone who lives within a 500 mile radius of Seattle just says they’re from Seattle to save time. I sort of fall into that category. Our plays, concerts, zoos, museums and company parties are in Seattle but … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, around town, health, weather | 18 Comments

Birth, Billy and Beyond

The delivery was awesome. Many of you followed on Twitter as I took my geekishness to new heights by tweeting one of my family’s most personal and dramatic moments. It was such a great way to keep our family updated … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, baby stuff, brains, health, parenting, postpartum, preg-nancy, unbearable cuteness | 64 Comments

The 43-Dollar 4300-Calorie Tub of Sour Cream

We sat down to eat some lovely Mexican lasagna for dinner when I decided I COULD. NOT. EAT. IT. without sour cream. I left the family sitting at the dinner table and ran to the grocery store to pick up … Continue reading

Posted in food, health, poser in granolaville, preg-nancy, save me from myself, scaring the neighbors, shopping | 13 Comments

Laylee Updated

For an update on Laylee, check out [].

Posted in health, parenting | 1 Comment