Category Archives: child abuse


It felt like a betrayal of pencils and chalk and teachers’ mugs full of bad coffee. This year, for the first time ever, I did not order school pictures for my kids. I have a camera larger than a VW … Continue reading

Posted in child abuse, education, fun, fun, fun, scaring the neighbors, What Thompsons Do, world domination | 7 Comments

I Should Start a Non-Profit

Magoo does most of his crazy while he’s asleep. I won’t get into the details, considering his closest friends and mortal enemies are all old enough to read this. But if he’s gonna do something insane, there’s a 95.3% chance … Continue reading

Posted in child abuse | 6 Comments


They want a cat. Or a dog or a bat or a snail or a crab. They just want something to love. And given how baby hungry I’ve been since my sister gave birth to a little piece of heaven … Continue reading

Posted in child abuse, disasters, kid stuff, near-death, shish | 4 Comments


Wanda’s been spending a lot of time in the joint lately. Our personal joint is a spot in the hall outside the bathroom door. There is no worse place on earth than the time out spot. Placing her in it … Continue reading

Posted in child abuse, fun, fun, fun, Honesty of Children, kid stuff | 11 Comments

I’m Like Lassie Without the Well-Groomed Hair

And I have the ability to bear children. So I’m pregnant, right? The cuteness of the babies being born in my area recently, combined with the slow decline in my all-day pregnancy sickness is causing me to be more excited … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, child abuse, health, near-death, preg-nancy | 10 Comments


I’ve decided there are ways I can make money off this whole preschool gig. [read more]

Posted in child abuse, childcare, disasters, education, parenting | Comments Off on Sparring