Category Archives: Blogging

Mini Food Blogger in Training

She doesn’t blog about mini food. She is mini and she’s already thinking like a food blogger. Today I told Wanda it was lunch time and she said, “I want lunch abouuuuuuut apple sauce!” She added that she also wanted … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, food | 1 Comment

Mom Congress

I’ve spent the last 4 days in D.C. at the Mom Congress conference and I’m inspired and exhausted. Click here to read how I stayed close to Dan and the kids while hanging out on the opposite coast. Here is … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, education | 3 Comments

Working from Home

I’ve been home with my kids from the time Laylee was born eight years ago. For the most part I’ve loved it. As with any occupation, it has its rough moments, but overall I couldn’t have asked for a better … Continue reading

Posted in aspirations, Blogging, domesticality, parenting, work, writing | 12 Comments

Do I Look Busier to You?

So I said I was lost in fiction, working on a novel I plan to finish by this summer. This is true. Then I started blogging more here because I have so many words inside me that I need to … Continue reading

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Lost in Fiction

Someone asked me recently if I’d gotten lost on Facebook because this blog has been a ghost town the past few months. Twitter and Facebook have changed things for me to some extent. In some ways I think they bring … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, Blogging, technology, writing | 10 Comments

Baffled by Facebook

I cannot figure out how to make a button to get readers of this blog to “Like” it on Facebook. If you “like” it with or without the quotes in real life, will you please go and “Like” it with … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, technology | 3 Comments