Category Archives: parenting

The Magical Kathryn Thompson of My Dreams

What Would Jesus Do? You see it on bracelets and bumper stickers, in books and on the radio. This is a question I ask myself a lot. But, sometimes it’s hard to wrap my head around the answer. I don’t … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, aspirations, parenting | 7 Comments

One Suck Per Day

Laylee discovered the word “sucks” this week. She’s known the word for a long time but this week she discovered it in all its frustration-ventilating splendor. “I forgot my homework at school. That sucks.” “Oh man. I dropped the spoon … Continue reading

Posted in kid stuff, parenting | 8 Comments

Losing IT

Sometimes I’m a great mom, times like yesterday morning and afternoon when I walked all over town taking Wanda to the park and the library for story time. Then every once in a while I snap and it’s not pretty. … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, disasters, parenting, save me from myself | 14 Comments

Turning the Car Around

“If your kids fully know that you’re completely unwilling to follow through on your threats, there’s no way they’ll trust you or do what you ask. I know this with my head but my heart and my laziness sometimes have … Continue reading

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Unwritten House Rules

If you observe my children, you’ll start to think we have a series of very interesting rules in place in our home. #8. Refuse to eat food that is more than five minutes old because it is “leftovers” unless it’s … Continue reading

Posted in blick, food, parenting | 5 Comments

Dream Crusher

I shot down every aspect of the plan, only to find her shooting back an answer for how my objection could be overcome.  In the end I had to refer to city code and tell her I didn’t think a … Continue reading

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