Category Archives: emergency preparedness

Unplanned Emergency Drill

If it’s unplanned, some people might call it an “actual” emergency but no one died so I’d like to refer to it as a drill. Monday night we were staying up a little late to watch our new favorite show … Continue reading

Posted in emergency preparedness, faith | 21 Comments

And A Pestilence of Feminine Hygiene Products Shall Rain Down Upon Their Heads

This weekend we wrangled all six bebes into our minivans and headed downtown for the obligatory Guests-In-Town-Must-See-Water visit to Pike Place Market and the pier in Seattle. Shortly into the drive I noticed my cell phone was missing. Should we … Continue reading

Posted in all about me, around town, emergency preparedness, near-death, world domination | 50 Comments

Life in Atlantis

By now you probably know that much of Washington has been swallowed up in the great waters of the Puget Sound apocalypse. Our town is effectively cut off from civilization as the rivers in the area have swollen to gigantical … Continue reading

Posted in around town, emergency preparedness, near-death, shish | 28 Comments

Prepared to Administer Hypothermia and Allergens

(This happened a month ago. I am just now calm enough to blog the carnage.) So I was sitting in a soggy tent in my back yard for three hours with 2 children under 4, no socks and a mother … Continue reading

Posted in emergency preparedness, family fun, near-death | 45 Comments