Shameless Merchandizing

The coveted Daring Young Mom gear is now available, “just in time” for Christmas. Check it out if you’re bored. I had fun getting it all set up.

I think the yellow bag with the giant picture of my HEED is the best item. I’m trying to redesign that with just the simple logo but am running into “issues.”

All the stuff says:

Daring Young Mom
Dare to love without limits. Dare to adore your job. Dare to be fabulous.
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7 Responses to Shameless Merchandizing

  1. DAD says:

    Is this for real??? Go You!!!!!!!!

  2. kaylang says:

    I think that this is your first step to taking over the world. Now I can start your fan-club for real!

  3. Anna says:

    Thos shirts look great! I’ve heard Cafe Press is a wonderful organization. If I were a mom, I’d be tempted by the shirts.

  4. Anna says:

    Oops. Can’t type today. “Those”, not “thos”.

  5. Anonymous says:

    How do you find out about these things??? They’re so great!


  6. Karen says:

    You are The Woman!!!

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