Yesterday was one of those sublime days where you just adore your kids and love being a mom, even when things go wrong, even when they act their age, you just love them and feel blessed to have them around.
Because after Little-C got bored during her 2-hour nap, Dan had found THIS:
My mom had mentioned the use of duct tape in the past when I told her about this little problem we’d been having but I thought Little-C would just stop doing it when I explained how “yucky” it was. Guess not.
Big-O of course thought the whole thing was hilarious.
Why didn’t dad clean this mess up?
I see that the Book of Mormon is one of your favorite books, but what about the Bible?
Dad was hosing down and taping up the child. We cleaned up the mess together after pictures were taken. Your profile is fascinating but your blog with the interesting title is restricted. I definitely believe the bible is the word of God….but it’s not my favorite. Mere Christianity should be on my list too.
I shant show this to my children, lest they think it a cool idea.
I am flattered to be compared with MacGyver. However, considering my use of duct tape, Red Green is probably more like it. 🙂 –Dan
I just had to tell you that I taped my 20 mo old diaper w/packing tape last week! He also had taking diaper changing into his own hands earlier in the day and smeared it on the couch right before my VT came to sit down on the couch! I didn’t realize the mess until they were here. Thank heavens for leather.