Laylee and Magoo

by Laylee Thompson
We’re having too much fun to blog, what with the heart-shaped balloons, hand holding and whatnot.

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11 Responses to Laylee and Magoo

  1. That is a sweet ponytail Laylee has going on there.

  2. Amy R. says:

    She adds so much nice detail! I am very impressed. How did Laylee get three balloons, while Magoo only has one? Perks of being the firstborn.

  3. Stacey says:

    I’m loving all the “bling” on that girl! 🙂

  4. Liz says:

    maybe she’s holding one of Magoo’s so when he accidentally lets go, he will still have one?

    Magoo has some long legs going on there

  5. That’s a great picture. I’m loving Layee’s ponytail! Is she wishing for long hair? Too cute!

  6. All Adither says:

    Your life looks like a dream come true. 😉

  7. grammyelin says:

    As a former pre-school teacher, not a doting gramma – “That kid’s art work rocks! She’s got some precocious little talent going for her. I LOVE this picture and how she always includes her little brother.

  8. Carrie says:

    That is so cute!

  9. Shalee says:

    I fully agree that those two kids are a reason to not blog… at least until they go to bed!

    Cute picture. I’d keep that one on the fridge for a while, especially when they start torturing each other. You can just take them to the picture and remind them that THIS is how they’re supposed to act, even when they don’t feel like it.

  10. Sarah says:

    What a precious princess! Sorry Shalee but I think this one’s worthy of something a little better than the fridge – it needs a frame …

  11. I love these pics – you know you did something right when they draw happy stuff… This is too sweet 🙂

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