Chili Mania

It started a few weeks ago. Laylee stood transfixed as I read Chilihead’s blog. “Who is THAT?”

“That’s Chilihead.”

“He he he. She has a CRA-ZY nose!”


“I like her”

“Me too.”

Laylee can spot Chili’s site from across the room and she’ll run over to watch me read. The other night as I was putting her to bed, she said, “If you go on the computer and see a lady with a crazy nose, that’s named Chilihead!” And she laughed and laughed.

I told Chili about Laylee’s obsession and she made it her mission in life to find Laylee a schnoz. So I told Laylee that a special package from Chilihead was coming in the mail any day.

Today a small package showed up in our box and she asked the inevitable “Is that my package from Chilihead?” Nope. Sorry. Just some videos I ordered about how kids need to obey their parents or face their doom.

But on the PORCH! On the porch was another package.


This one had an “L” for Laylee on the front!!! This one was brightly colored and she KNEW!


But there wasn’t just joy for Laylee.


There were four sets of Schnozalicious fun and we all participated. I am amazed at the amount of joy a couple of dollars can buy.

Laylee has asked me to wear mine every time I use the computer just like Chili does. Hmmm… Maybe I will.

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32 Responses to Chili Mania

  1. Oh my goodness. You all look so dang cute.

    That TOTALLY needs to be your Christmas card this year.

    🙂 Michelle

  2. jodijean says:

    gotta love chillihead, good job on teaching laylee early on what is important inl ife!!!

  3. Jeana says:

    LOVE IT. And now you need to shop for some red hair to accessorize. And also start practicing to join her secular handbell/boomwhacker group.

  4. Jeana says:

    PS I love Dan’s humongo eyeballs. It takes real talent to pull that off without pooping them right out of their sockets.

  5. sarah k. says:

    Dude, I’m speechless. So Calvin knows DYM by sight, and always asks if we can play that game with the bag of candy that yells and the guy comes out and says “What the…?” and you get to stomp on it? He also sometimes asks if we can play with your dog. You know, Dan’s mom’s dog? He likes her a lot.

    Laylee is so beautiful! I love that excited “I got a PRESENT!” look.

  6. kim says:

    love the top where did you find it?

  7. chilihead says:

    That just made my day! I love that you guys are having so much fun! Isn’t it just ridiculously great how fun those are? 😀 You all are lookin’ good!

  8. Karen says:

    Okay, that is way too much fun. What fun pictures!!

    Oh, and I almost bought that shirt you’re wearing at Macy’s on Friday. Kee-uteness.

  9. Goslyn says:

    And the Chilihead family grows. What incredible fun! I love the pictures. Chili rocks.

  10. Heidi says:

    Wow, that photo of Laylee looking up at the camera with her package in her lap must be a wonderful reward for Chilihead! What a shiny, gorgeous girl you have.

  11. daring one says:

    Kim – Karen was right. The shirt is from Macy’s and it’s one of my favorites.

  12. Mary says:

    What a fun friend to do that for you! Laylee must have been so excited for a package, but a package with schnozes, extra exciting!

    I also love your shirt. Must look at Macy’s.

  13. Sarah says:

    I had to comment on the cuteness of the shirt too! Adorable!! I might just have to stop by Macy’s tomorrow. 🙂

  14. Kimberly says:

    It adds a little…mmm…je ne sais quoi. Tres piquante! =P

  15. Eve says:

    I love that Laylee’s wearing her favorite Princess dress for the photos! Magoo looks SO ADORABLE in those glasses I’m dying!

  16. Jeana says:

    I just got a mental image of what might show up in a box if I happen to mention my kids like your floating head. And suddenly I felt an icy breeze.

  17. SURCIE says:

    Laylee looks sooooo much like you!

  18. Hee hee hee… I love you guys…

  19. Mary C says:

    Alas, no Macy’s here in our town, so no cute top for me. 🙁
    BUT! Adorable pictures of your family! Oh that Laylee is so pretty! (Of course the rest of ya’ll ain’t so bad either, even with the noses on!)

  20. Shalee says:

    Another Chili convert! Good night nurse, she has her minions around the world and they’re going to be taking over soon!

    And the cool thing? It’s perfectly alright with me… she’s that lovable.

  21. Amanda says:

    Loving that shirt!!

  22. thats so cute! Kids are so funny! An endless source of amusement, and then amusement and pain, and then they give you grandkids.

  23. Jen says:

    I too must join the Daring Family groupies and say that your pictures are adorable, Laylee is beautiful and looks just like you, and I love your shirt! Darn it, I was just at Macy’s on Saturday but I was shopping for my mom’s birthday and I didn’t even look at cute shirts for me.

  24. I had trouble leaving a comment yesterday but I will try again! You guys are just so wonderful! That’s all I wanted to say!

  25. Brooke says:

    Thank you for making me smile with such wonderful pictures!

  26. Christine says:

    Love this! That Chili is a friend of mine and this level of fun does not surprise me about her. Looking forward to seeing you on the Today show!

  27. Y’all are just too cute. Laylee looks so much like you…even without the glasses! 😉

  28. Julie says:

    Oh my gawd — so completely adorable I can’t stand it!!! I think I need a schnoz for proper attire while working at my computer too! Thank you! ;+)

  29. makakona says:

    okay, i just looked through every women’s and junior’s top on the macy’s website and it’s not there. i must have that shirt! who makes it?

    laylee looks SO stinking cute. that picture of her grinning with the package is to die for!!!

  30. Liz says:

    you guys are awesome like that. how cool!!

  31. Sue says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for the past couple of weeks and started going through the archives. Only now did I notice how much your daughter looks like you.
    Her smile captivates anyone… just like yours!

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