Lunch In Seattle

My friend Millie is planning a blogger’s lunch in Seattle on April 28th. I sure plan on attending. If you live in or around Seattle and you’d like to meet up for lunch, let me know. Wouldn’t it be fun to meet in person?

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8 Responses to Lunch In Seattle

  1. Kimberly says:

    I am getting so excited about this lunch. I started making some major makeover plans, then decided I’d rather go as “me”. Plus, a friend of mine accidentally waxed her eyebrows off a few days before meeting a fellow she’d been dating online for six months. Yeah, I’ll learn from that example thanks. =P

  2. Shalee says:

    Yet another good reason to move to Seattle. Alas, I don’t think I’m going to make that one.

    However, I give you permission to say all sorts of lovely things about me whilst you’re enjoying each other and lamenting my absence. I’m good that way.

    Seriously, have a blast and enjoy those bloggers!

  3. Jen says:

    Arg! I am not a blogger, just a reader, so I guess I don’t really count!! Plus, we are going to CA on Friday for a week! Too bad!

  4. Hooray for lunch on the 28th!

  5. Mary says:

    Sounds fun – I can imagine all of the giggling that will be going on! Too bad it isn’t in the “other” Washington, I would totally be there!

  6. Millie says:

    yay, I’m so excited!!!! 🙂

  7. Kimberly said “I started making some major makeover plans, then decided I’d rather go as “me”. ”
    I am going as both Me and a Mexican. Hope that’s OK.

  8. Eve says:

    Can I pretend to be something when I come? Like a refugee from Sweden or something fascinating like that?

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