Two things:
1. My special powers are still strong and vital. I had a bit of a lapse there for a while but recently pulled off THIS:
and THIS:
The second one may not look that great, but at the historic first Costco ever built in the world, during rush hour, this is an AMAZING spot. Cower before my staggering awesome-nossity.
2. If you have recently misplaced a pair of black leather boots, please contact the Daring Young Family Search and Rescue Team at 1-800-SORRY-ABOUT-YOUR-TOES.
(Please do not call that number. I just tried it and it’s a real phone number of some company. That’s what I get for trying to be hilarious! :))
I cower in envy of thy spot-finding prowess
I’ll be hitting Tar-jay tomorrow. It’s my Magic Kingdom.
Kathryn, you deserve to wear a crown!.
I also cower before your awesomeness
We are not worhty!
uh, I called that number to claim my boots, and all I got was a recording and a confusing menu chain.
all hail kathryn, queen of parking.
My BOOTS! There they are!
I love your awesome-nosity. Also, glad they’re not my boots.
oh oh oh – here in Northern Kentucky, I saw an Ohio license plate that said C Daring. I kid you not. I about leaped out of the car in traffic. Too bad I
Well, I must say that I have had to retire from Target. Now don’t you all GASP. I know that is hard to take in, a fellow mom having to remove herself from the Target donations, but we sold one of our cars and only have one. I think my husband did that on purpose so I could no longer support Target finacially. OR it was so we would never have to claim shoes like the mysterious black boots. Either way thank you for for visiting Target today for one day I too will be able to join the Target Mom’s once again!
Boo hoo hoo…………..
That’s great! You actually called the number? I love it. And I’m also oh, so jealous of your spot-finding abilities.
L.O.L.! So, what did you do to deserve such great parking spots? Inquiring minds want to know!!
Lei (who had contractions getting from her spot to the Target’s front doors not 3 hours ago!)
One time, I got the parking spot nearest the door to Costco and I stayed in my car for an extra 10 min. just to enjoy it. It was the best moment of my life after the birth of my children and my marriage(and at that moment I might have said it topped even those!). I suppose that is why God has never let it happen agian.
There is something so sad about a pair of shoes just lying there, in a place where there shouldn’t be a pair of shoes… even sadder is one shoe, all by itself. I hope they are claimed by their rightful owner…
That’s a great special power. The only “special” power I have is in choosing the line at any store that moves the slowest. Never fails.
This was hilarious! You, like my husband share the same superhero powers! I am always amazed at the great spots he can find in a parking lot. I thought he was the only one…he will be happy to hear, he is not alone!
You are too funny, but you also have the funniest commenters in the world. Also, Lei, it’s “tomorrow”, and I’m wondering how the contractions went? Any announcements? Does your husband read this and will we get a report???
everytime my “parking God’s” come through and I get a great parking spot, I think of you and wish I had my camera to document it…
You go girl!
Your floating head up there SOOO needs an Easter bonnet. To go with the tulips.
seriously, i NEED your special powers. and i think it’s hilarious that you take pictures of where you park. i can only imagine how that looks. 🙂
OOOH, you are the queen of the parking lot. I bow to your infinite excellence!! Great!
The grocery store near me has several customer with child parking spots. So I usually get a good spot. But when I was pregnant with my third son, last summer I was all excited when my mom and I went to Babies R us and they had Expectant mothers parking spots right in front of the store!
You seriously are “THE” woman. Way to catch the spaces! God was giving you a little break today after the bump.