To the Drag Queen I saw on 12th Street Last Night

Your earrings were very eye-catching and sparkly.

I wanted to tell you this but felt intimidated by your 6’5” spike-heel-enhanced height and the two miniature body guards flanking you.

I nodded to nearly everyone I saw on the street as we headed to the theatre. To some I gave a smile. To others I said “Hello.”

To you, I made no gesture, said nothing. Isn’t it strange that you go to so much effort to attract attention to yourself, only to be studiously ignored by the majority of the people you pass on the street?

I liked the earrings, although I could not pull them off with my wardrobe. I thought you should know.

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2 Responses to To the Drag Queen I saw on 12th Street Last Night

  1. Anna says:

    Love this. Very honest and funny. I bet we’ve all felt like this at times, wanting to give a compliment but not able to do so for whatever reason.

  2. Heather says:

    bwahahahahahah! 🙂 tee hee. haw!

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