To Coin a New Phrase

The other day after I fed Magoo, Dan was trying to burp him. After quite a bit of pounding, Magoo let out a small “Urp” and smiled at Dan as if to say, “I’m done.”

Dan would have none of that.

“Come on Magoo, you can do better than that. That was just a courtesy burp.”

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2 Responses to To Coin a New Phrase

  1. adam says:

    courtesy burp…hhmmmmm. I can use this…..

  2. another mom says:

    That is so funny, D and D. My mom used to write the funny things her kids said in a notebook she kept on the fridge. We loved to get written up! I wonder if you will be able to keep this forever? Is the whole thing (blog) printable, I wonder?

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