Monthly Archives: September 2005

Garage Sale Side-note

So maybe I fall into one of those categories of crazy garage sale people. Where would you put a person who sells her own child’s toys while she’s asleep? Looking on eBay for more accessories for Little-C’s dollhouse, I noticed … Continue reading

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Saleing through other People’s Garages

Saleing through other People’s Garages Last weekend I had some sweet success garage saleing in my neighborhood. Garage sale day is exciting where I live because it only happens twice a year (not unlike my dating life through most of … Continue reading

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If you Can’t Say Somethin’ Nice, Why not Talk about Poop?

I surmise that I am not the only parent out there who is wearied of listening to themselves converse about the intricacies of the body’s many functions, particularly in regards to bowl excretion. Little-C has recently made the realization that … Continue reading

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The Chicken or the Eggs?

The rooster just wants to help. I’m not sure who started acting up first this past week, me or my kids. I’m recovering from PPMD after the birth of my second child and thanks to the wonders of all kinds … Continue reading

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Questions That Might Arise after Visiting our Primary this Sunday

What exactly is the “abomination” of Paul and why are we so determined to follow it?

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The F-Bomb and Other Fun with Words

Last week, out of nowhere, the world’s sweetest 2-year-old started using the F-bomb. Now I’m not sure if she’s really saying that word or if she made it up by accident. She says a lot of nonsense words lately. Example: … Continue reading

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