Category Archives: tree grows in brooklyn

I Hate Goodbyes — A Tree Grows In Brooklyn — Final Chapters

Francie and her family close the door on me, just like that?  What gives?  Where’s book two?  A Tree Grows In Brooklyn — the Blog?

Posted in Reviews, tree grows in brooklyn | 1 Comment

Settling — A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Chapters 38-45

What is your price?  How often do you settle for something far beneath what you are worthy of because it’s the best thing you’ve been offered so far?  Do you even know that you’re giving up something greater?

Posted in aspirations, Reviews, tree grows in brooklyn | 5 Comments

If You’re Around for the Long Weekend

Please go leave a comment for Artemis Rich, something that makes you happy, to cheer her up.  She’s having a rough time. Bookclub discussion for tomorrow will be at the new site Novel Encounters, which will totally be up by … Continue reading

Posted in Friendship, Random, tree grows in brooklyn | 2 Comments

Woman Troubles — A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Chapters 27-37

(My latest is up at This section of the book was painful for me to read.  It sets in motion Francie’s adolescence, a time full of pain, heartbreak and harsh realizations about the cruel world.  No longer can she look … Continue reading

Posted in gossip, Reviews, tree grows in brooklyn | 4 Comments

They Are Listening — A Tree Grows In Brooklyn Chapters 11-26

Children hear what you say and understand more than you know. And it’s not just words. They soak up the smiles, the disappointment, the tone, the indifference, the excitement. They are surrounded by your attitude and it becomes a part … Continue reading

Posted in parenting, Reviews, tree grows in brooklyn | 8 Comments

Beauty in Every Soul — A Tree Grows In Brooklyn Chapters 1-10

Betty Smith paints with words, talented beyond my limited means to express. As I read this book, I ask myself over and over again the question — WHY HAS NO ONE MADE ME READ THIS BOOK BEFORE? I’m sure Betty … Continue reading

Posted in get serious, Reviews, tree grows in brooklyn | 18 Comments