Category Archives: baby stuff

Breakup Weight Gain

Wanda’s winding down on nursing, trying to break up with me gently. I’m a bit sad, a bit excited about getting my body back and a bit scared about what will happen to that body when it’s back under my … Continue reading

Posted in baby stuff, health, parenting, weight loss | 1 Comment

Swabbing the Neck

Although she’s been known to ingest her fair share of playing cards in her day, Wanda has discerning tastes when it comes to real food. She likes her rice cereal done just so and only sometimes. She enjoys fruits and … Continue reading

Posted in baby stuff, food | 8 Comments


If you look up the word “harrowing” in the dictionary, you will likely find a detailed description of Wanda’s epic journey across our living room yesterday evening. Three days ago, she had no idea that combining multiple rolls could move … Continue reading

Posted in baby stuff, world domination | 6 Comments

A New Profile Picture for Belle Babe deBoe

Little Wanda, AKA Belle Babe deBoe, AKA her real name is getting older and cuter and possibly just a teensy bit squishier. It’s time to update her profile picture on the sidebar and I’d love your input. Here are a … Continue reading

Posted in baby stuff, Blogging | 31 Comments

Starting Solids… Again

Why is it that I have total solid food amnesia? “The one thing so far that’s really thrown me for a loop is starting the little bub-jub on solid foods. I cannot for the life of me remember what I’m … Continue reading

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Baby’s Getting Tattled On

How old is old enough to be tattled on? We found out last week. [Read more at]

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