Words of Wanda

Wanda is a character. Often found with one eyebrow up involuntarily, she has much to say about the world. She almost speaks English.

Today as I got her dressed:

“Mom! This is the crazy shirt in the WORLD.” There is apparently only one crazy shirt in the world and I put it on her this morning.

This summer as we headed out to the zoo:

Me: What animals do you want to see at the zoo?

Wanda: The muppets!

Me: I don’t know if there are muppets at the zoo, Wanda.

Wanda: It’s okay. We just can see them.

Dan (Walking downstairs): Hey Wanda, where are you going today?

Wanda: We’re gonna go see da MUPPET SHOW!

A few weeks ago:

Wanda is whine-crying in the back of the van, the kind of crying that is high on drama, low on believability, the kind that can be stopped in half a second by a roving gumball.

Wanda: Aaaahhhhhhh. Waaaahhhhhhh!

Me: Wanda. Are you sad?

Wanda (stops crying, a huge grin crosses her face): Nope! I just whined-ed at you.

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3 Responses to Words of Wanda

  1. Ha! She’s adorable. And, yes, she definitely sounds like a character.

  2. Janel says:

    Wait, have you been taking her temperature in her heart, or something?

  3. Shari says:

    Oh, how cute! Kids really do say the most adorable things, don’t they? 🙂

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