Cloudy Soccer

Cloudy Soccer Magoo Closeup

When they got home from school, the kids found a soccer ball on the front lawn and got into a game that involved Laylee and Magoo kicking the ball back and forth while Wanda screamed and tried to intercept it from them.

Cloudy Soccer Magoo Kicks

It was cool and cloudy with lots of mud.

Cloudy Soccer Laylee

When they finally decided to include Wanda in the game and pass her the ball, she picked it up and ran. She’s no fool. She knew she likely wouldn’t get the ball again.

Cloudy Soccer Wanda

And we have a new camera, thanks to tax return season. Hopefully there will be many more pictures to share and many more soccer balls to not share.

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8 Responses to Cloudy Soccer

  1. Dan says:

    > the kids found a soccer ball on the front lawn and got into a game that involved Laylee and Magoo kicking the ball back and forth while Wanda screamed and tried to intercept it from them.

    I believe that game is called “monkey in the middle”. 😉

  2. allysha says:

    They are all so cute. And getting so big! I have issues with kids who think it’s okay to grow up, I must admit. But if they’re going to do it at all, they’d better look adorable doing it, so your kids are doing well.

  3. Carrie says:

    Oh my goodness, they’re all so grown up and so gorgeous! Love the photos!

  4. Rebekah says:

    Oh my. Laylee is SO big! I mean, they all are, but she looks like a girl, not a little girl. Nice pics. 🙂

  5. Mother of the Wild Boys says:

    What great pictures!

  6. Margaret says:

    WOW – your kids are gorgeous!

  7. Pam in Utah says:

    Yep, the new camera was worth it! Great pictures! Great kids! Great Game!

  8. JD says:

    Oh Love the pictures! They are so super cute!

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