My blog goals for 2008 will be:
1. Write something. Yes, it’s drastic but I like to shoot for the stars. In 2008 I plan to actually write something on a regular basis on this blog, as though I were, in essence, a blogger, of sorts.
2. Do a little more of the follow-up. I tend to write about something big and dramatic and cliff-hangerish (okay, maybe you’re not exactly on the edge of your seat, but I sure feel the drama evident in my daily life, like the saga of what deodorant I should choose, or the decision of whether or not to go elsewhere for my children’s literature.) and then never refer to it again. I’ll solve a problem in my head or in my life and don’t feel the need to share the solution with the internet. Most of the time no one seems to notice but every once in a while someone will email me or comment to ask what happened and I figure for every person who expresses curiosity, there are at least 2.5 other people who wouldn’t have been enraged if had written a follow-up post.
So this year I will try to be all about giving you the closure you so richly deserve.
In that spirit, I’ve written about how I did on last year’s parenting resolution over at
I also want to answer Kelly who asked, “My pits are waiting the results of your deodorant tryout – please fill us in!”
First I was really affected by Ericka’s comment about aluminum in antiperspirents and its carsenogenic properties so I followed Michelle’s advice and went with Tom’s of Maine. I like wearing it, knowing that it’s safer for my body. The problem is that it’s not safer for my friend’s noses if I happen to sweat really hard or miss a day.
Therefore I went out today and purchased some Lady Mitchum in Shower Fresh to wear on the days I plan to be really active. I figure that even if I wear it every other day, I’m still cutting the evil aluminum seeping into my body via my pit pathways by half.
If you’re dying for updates on any of my past posts or just have any burning questions for me, leave them in the comments section and I’ll try to follow Jessica’s example and give you the answers you crave.
Wait…your a blogger?
OK, OK. You can virtually smack me. 😉
Hey it’s not like you don’t have other things going on in your life or anything ya know. Great post over at Parenting, by the way. (she types while thinking she needs to be reading Horton Hear’s a Who to the girls before it’s due back at the library.)
Man you can tell I’m a word nerd who is anal and cringes when I comment w/o enough caffeine.
Your should be you’re and Hear’s should be Hears.
Not that anyone cares but me. (I’m a control freak, too.)
Happy New Year!
Your post at Parenting was SO good!
Lady Mitchum, eh? My new year’s resoltion is the same as last years – BE LESS FAT. here’s hoping it works.
Consider yourself officially called to the Blogging war! Well I lost the war due to a power outage but there are still some battling going on 🙂
Goal #1 is apparently a hard one for me – I was looking at the totals today and I posted just 5 times in 2007 (yes, that’s the whole year). So I commend your efforts. And keep up the good work, cause there are those of us who sure like reading what you have to say 🙂
I tried Tom’s of Maine once and had the same reaction…stinky pits. Oh well. Back to the dangerous stuff for me.
ditto sweet mama! bring on the blogging!
I missed the whole armpit saga, but I have some help for you. Chlorella is a natural product that removes the aluminum from your body, as well as all the nasty chemicals we ingest every day.
It is just seaweed, so it is healthy and safe! I bought mine at but I saw it at Puritan’s for less money and frequently they have buy one get two free deals. I have purchased from them in the past, and their products have been high quality. But I know mercola’s are most definately high quality. We started it to get rid of mercury and aluminum from immunizations, and couldn’t be more thrilled with the results!
All F’s to one F in ONE grading period!
You don’t have to be stinky. But you do need to do your research before you panic:
The “deodorant carcinogen” myth was an internet floofy. Be at rest 🙂
I don’t know if I’ve ever posted a comment on your blog; I’m one of Dan’s friends from high school. (Don’t worry I wasn’t too pretty in high school and I only went on one date with him.) I love your blog and I read it a lot. Thanks for making me smile!
When it comes to deodorant, may I suggest Adidas absorbent deodorant with patented Cotton Tech. It has a pleasant smell and most of the time it does the job. Make sure you get the Adidas deodorant that is only deodorant not deodorant/antiperspirant. Antiperspirants are where the aluminum is at. Aluminum causes yellow arm pit stains on your shirts.
In my deodorant experiment I like the Adidas best. If you’re prone to allergies watch out for the Tom’s of Maine. I got a serious rash under my armpits from using that stuff and the rash didn’t happen until I’d use the deodorant for a couple of weeks.
I was thinking about how you love to read to your little ones…and I forgot to mention the Romona books. My teacher read them to us in 4th grade and I thought they were WONDERFUL!!! Beverly Clearly is the author.