Red? There is No Red!

There is no orange or purple either.

Dark pink?


Orangy Pink?


Purplish pink?

Also affirmative.

Laylee wanted you to know that.

I just wrote what I like to think is my last post about BlogHer… for this week… and it’s being hosted over at the Mommybloggers’ site. They were nice enough to hand out (read this: attack people and brand them with) custom-made washable tatts at ye olde conference.

For those of you who were unable to attend, I accidentally grabbed about 30 of them from the table the last night (I swear they said something about “take as many as you’d like”)
mommyblogherblog this
If you’d like one of these fabulous tattoos, email me your address, tell me which one you want, swear a blood oath that you’ll email me a picture of yourself wearing it, and I’ll mail you a tattoo as a service to the town, courtesy of the Mommybloggers.

Then I’ll post a gallery of all the tattoees with links to your blogs.

***I’ll let you know when they’re gone***

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17 Responses to Red? There is No Red!

  1. Abby says:

    Send me one with the sweet little birds.

  2. emlouisa says:

    Dude. I TOTALLY want one. It will totally go with the other five I have in unmentionable places.

  3. Gabriela says:

    Those are just lovely. Do you ship to Mexico?

  4. Melessa says:

    Thanks for what you wrote at Mommybloggers. Some of us invisible fishes in a big ocean really needed to read that. Although it did cut short my little pity party this evening.

  5. Tattoos??? EWWWWWWW!

    OK, but they are cute. And I won’t show my bishop.

  6. appleseed says:

    Whoo Hoo!
    You have MAIL!!!

  7. owlhaven says:

    I’ll take either one…


  8. Margaret says:

    I NEED a “Blog this” tattoo.

    And that is all.

  9. surcie says:

    Whoa those are so cute! I wonder if they might do a t-shirt like that–or even just an iron-on transfer.

  10. Jodi Jean says:

    blahblahblah fake tatoos okay whatever, i cannot get over the first part of your post. does that mean there is also a blusih pink, and brownish pink, etc. holy moly that’s it, i’m going to start calling every color pink.

  11. Yay! Yay! I know where I want to put mine! *wink*

  12. I understand that Chilihead has snagged a couple of tattoos for us to wear to next weeks’ beginning-of-year PTA meeting? Can’t wait–

  13. Amy A. says:

    Sending you my info!

  14. Alissa says:

    i’d love a BLOG THIS.

  15. TBG says:

    I am going to email you because I totally want one!

  16. Artemis Rich says:

    Is it too late? Can I have a “Blog This” tattoo?

    I’ll email you my info!

    Thank you.

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