Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner — Especially Not at BlogHer

Today, I’m catching up on all the things I missed at home, helping my mom move me into the new house. She is a whirlwind of productivity and organization. My Dad is a rock-star of building and home repair. Bob Veela should quake in his presence.

Please head over to for my latest post over there.

The conference was a blast. I met amazing, intelligent powerhouse bloggers who have a passion for writing and are working through their blogs to make the world a better place to live. It was so fun, in fact, that Chris and I both “accidentally missed” our flights back home yesterday morning. I’ll be doing at least a couple of posts this week about what went down. I’ll try to focus on the things I learned that could be pertinent to the women bloggers who read my site and shy away from the ephemera of BlogHer, questions like:

Kathryn from Daring Young Mom and Kelly from Diary of the NelloWhy was our good friend Johnson’s baby repeatedly put in a corner? How did I end up with that tattoo on my arm? Can Kelly-Nelly be trusted to find fabulous cheesecake in the state of California? Why did Mir act as an enabler, allowing Chris and I to miss our flights? When asked on video if we’d been drinking, due to our extremely giddy behavior, did someone respond “I’m a little drunk, she’s Mormon”? (Apparently the two have a similar giggleular response.) Were we informed that this video will appear on the website of a major PR Firm?

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10 Responses to Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner — Especially Not at BlogHer

  1. Kelly says:

    LOL! I cannot wait for your upcoming posts!!!
    I may not be trusted to find a cheescake factory… but I CAN be trusted to put on a GREAT double-chin for all to see!

  2. jennster says:

    LOL- more more more more more!

  3. Mir says:

    Dude. I am not your mother. Keep accusing me of this sort of thing and I WILL blog your underwear. 😉

  4. Caryn says:

    Can’t wait to read all this, so we can at least attend vicariously. Glad you had such a good time!

  5. allysha says:

    You are a funny woman. I have been reading some of your old posts and laughing out loud.

  6. ABC Momma says:

    I can’t wait to hear about your adventures at Blogher. I’m going to start saving and planning for next year.

  7. Freakren says:

    Wish I did as good of an experience as you did. It was nice meeting you though and I’m still dreaming about the Cheesecake Factory!
    BTW, I’m Rocco’s Mom. 🙂

  8. Chilihead2 says:

    “she’s Mormon” — ROFL. I can’t wait to hear your take on BlogHer. Did you find any of the divisiveness (sp) some others have written about?

  9. mrsmogul says:

    Very cool!! It really sounded like a blast!!

  10. Chris says:

    I thought I said I’m not drunk…
    but I probbaly slurred it and that is why you couldn’t understand 😉

    And I am totally blaming the flight missing on Mir.

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