Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody!

As promised, here is the actual Christmas card photo we sent out. I hope you all are having fun hanging out with real people, people who do not live only on the internet (People who live on the internet AND in real life are acceptable for holiday fun.).

I’ll be back on the blogosphere in a few days.

the holy family

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14 Responses to Merry Christmas

  1. Anna says:

    That is so adorable! I bet the recipients loved it. Have a great Christmas!

  2. Wendy says:

    What a sweet picture!! Have a great holiday.

  3. blackbird says:

    Christmas blessings to you and yours from me and mine!

  4. jenny says:

    aw, wow…too cute. Love the gummy smile :). Merry Christmas!

  5. Kelly says:

    Laylee is just too cute! And Magoo… That smile is to die for! Obviously he’s a bit of a Momma’s boy…
    Happy Christmas!

  6. Katy says:

    If I send you a stamped, self-adressed envelope….Just kidding! SO darling! Merry Christmas! Katy

  7. Pam says:

    Great lighting on great kids. 🙂 We love you, oh daring ones. Merry Christmas to all who read this. Hope your families and loved ones are safe and well and close. We celebrate the one who has brought hope to all. Internet hugs all around. Pam

  8. Eulallia says:

    A very merry and far away Christmas, my dear!

  9. Brooke says:

    Absolutely precious!

  10. LFierge says:

    That is beyond precious. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Sugarmama says:

    Your children are beautiful! Cheered me up to see them and I don’t even know them!

  12. Anne says:

    This picture is just so special and precious that I’ve had to come back several times! Thanks for sharing it. Their smiles are just so wonderful… love it!

  13. Curse your website! This photo alone will no doubt force the wife and I’s plans for chillin’s up a few months! Sooo…. cute… men can say that, right?

    As someone with a passing interest in photography, great shot, too! Awesome angle!

  14. Thanks for all the kind comments on this picture. I LOVE it too. It will be a family treasure. Good job on the photography DY Dad!

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