I am Kathryn Thompson, a 30-something mother of 3 young children, Laylee, Magoo and Wanda. I am a Canadian transplant, currently living in the Seattle suburbs and enjoying life immensely.
Daring Young Mom is a play on words from the old song “He floats through the air with the greatest of ease, this daring young man on the flying trapeze.” I love the juxtaposition of images between a graceful acrobat and my staggering attempts at motherhood.
After Magoo was born in May 2005, I was “advised” to find a hobby to help with some postpartum anxiety. I told Dan that I thought I’d try my hand at writing for publication. He “advised” me not to choose a hobby that involved masochistically sending my handiwork to publishers like a lamb to the slaughter. So I chose instead to narcissistically send the intimate details of my life out to the internet like a pig to a pedicure.
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I love that you can use the word juxtaposition without hurting yourself.
I will never again get a pedicure without thinking of you.
“Like a pig to a pedicure”. Now there’s a saying I am absolutely positive I’ve never run across before!! Hilarious! And how nice for all of us that you’ve chosen to write HERE, instead of for book publication. Who knows? This may be just the first step in that direction. But in the meantime we all get to enjoy the fruits of YOUR labor! Works for me! I sure enjoy your blog. I’ve been lurking around it for sometime….:-)
Hey I live in Bellevue. Do you guys ever go ice skating at the seattle center in the winter? My kids love going.
I love your blog. I find your writing style refreshing and delightful. Keep up the daring work… I am officially subscribing.
I just found your blog, and I have to say, I love it!!! Keep up the great work! From one girl on the flying trapeze to another, you rule!
I love that you started this as a way to help you with post- partum anxiety. I wish someone would have given me that advice. Does it really help!!!
I love so many things about this blog, but as a thirty-something mom fast approaching forty-something, I must ask, “are you worried that you will someday be daring old mom?:
I started worrying about the age issue about 15 minutes after I started the blog. I’m not sure what the cutoff for “young” is but at some point I will definitely need to change the title. I currently own the URL daringlife.com so I have some room to grow.
I say you keep “daringyoungmom” no matter how old you get. You’ll always be young at heart!
I will watch and read in eager anticipation to see how the journey unfolds.
So glad you stopped by to say HI! Lovin’ your blog babe!
Where in Canada are you from? I am a Calgarian.
Hey, found you looking for vegi reciepes. Like your site- keep up the good work.
Hey There,
Found you through BooMama. I am in ‘Bama like her, but I grew up in Kirkland. So fun to find you! I just love the interconnectivity of this whole blogosphere!!
Love your blog as I love to see what creative things moms do, amongst all the other things we do. I was in Seattle a couple of months ago…great city! I hope to come back soon!
hey, you’re only as old or young as you feel. Which, as a mother of small children, seems to vacillate between 13 and 72.
Hey, glad to find you! Hope my friend who just moved to Seattle finds you. She’s a young mommy who writes!
Great blog! RULDS2?? I have a 7 week old and an 19 month old…. I am definitly coming here more often!! We too are here in WA. Maybe we’ll run into ya!
I also started my own blog to help deal with postpartum anxiety long before I found your site. It’s so nice to see I’m not the only one out there!
I’ve been perusing your site and what a darling mom you are! I am looking forward to reading more…
Thanks for visiting my blog. I just love the look of your blog. It is so cute. I will be back to read more…..
You named your kid Magoo? Seroiusly? That’s freaking awesome. That’s my alias online, Frederich G Magoo, because it sounds messed up. I don’t know man… giving a kid a legal name like that…. whatever. They can just get messed up a lot… its not hurt me!
Just came accross your blog and I think it’s great. What a way to escape everyday stress. I’m in the beginning stages of starting my own blog and it’s wonderful to see there is a place for us moms out here in InterSpace:-)
Ohhhh – I just love to meet fellow Canadians. And I won’t say “eh” in this comment – I promise.
Love your blog. I am having so much fun Blog surfing. Have you thought about writing children’s books? I never get comments on my site so please go there and just say anything. http://goreapollosa.blogspot.com/
jst came across this blog. its simply fantastic.i wnt 2 subscribe 2 it so that i can receive ur gr8 tips on tuesday. hw can i do so?
Hey Kathryn,
Congratulations on a creative blog. I am a filmmaker and graduate student at UT, Austin. I am currently conducting research for a film about Parental leave and its implications in the lives of parents. I am looking for families who are about to have a child and are about to make big decisions on employment, insurance, child care and what is important for them as a family. How much are these decisions influenced by the poor parental leave and profiling. Your blog seems to have an audience. Would you be willing to have me write a one page article about the proposed film – WHY, WHAT, WHEN, HOW etc.
hoping to hear from you
First of all, your writing is great. I am trying to reach you regarding a possible product review. I didn’t want to misuse your commenting space by posting the information publically. Is there a way to best reach you? -Angie L.
Hi Kathryn, I have been a read of yours for a little over a year and I love how honest and warm your writing is. Thank you so much for what you bring to the web and to Seattle moms! Because you are so awesome I would love to offer you a free Portrait package for you and your family. It would include
– a pre shoot consultation
– A custom one hour in-home or on location portrait session
– a CD of your favorite 15 images in large and web formats for printing and posting on the web.
– One 12×16 canvas print of your favorite image.
I wanted to e-mail this to you directly but I could not seem to track down an address.
Below is a little bit about me and my work.
I would love to hear from you!
thank you for all that you do!
Emily Haldeman
My Business – MaeBe Eclectic Imagery specializes in family, maternity, and infant photography In-home or on location.
I provide free pre-shoot consultations in order to get an understanding of the client, their family, and to get to know their little ones a bit to insure that their sessions document them, their values and the life they live with their loved ones.
Being of a fine art background my images play with the natural light in a space and focus on the connection between those I am photographing. I work with families up and down the puget sound region from Arlington to Tacoma. I have a belief in my business practice that all families should be able to afford beautiful images of their loved ones. Especially while they are little. Many moments in family life (as I am sure you know) are chaotic and fleeting and to provide a way for parents and families to hold on to at least a few of those moments is the soul of my business.
Oh my gosh. I can’t believe you still have my award on your blog! Crazy! :0 Hope all is well. Thought I’d look you up after all these years.
I loved your post on drops of awesome. I have been asked to host a sharing station at BYU’s women confrence coming up in may and would love to include this in it. My topic is random acts of kindness and think it would tie in perfectly. I am writing begging your permission to include your article with this. I would like to title the booth Captin Kindness Drops of Awsome and just wanted your approval if that would be ok. Thank you so much for your time and effort in this. It is changing lives!
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