
On this lovely Saturday night I offer you some long overdue shout-outs.

For those of you living in Utah or visiting my parents in Montana or who aren’t willing to use the power of intention to draw her to you for an impromptu hair session, the church hair lady’s name is Karina Swenson and you can call her at 801-295-2678 to make an appointment.

My family portraits were taken by the photographers of Heather Clark Photography and Vincent Arts. They’re both based in Utah and do an amazing job. They’re also my sisters so they’re highly attractive and very pleasant to speak to.

PhotobucketAlso, I want to thank Jia at Colour Me Untypical for the Rock On Sistah Friend! Award she kindly bestowed on me recently. It was all kinds of friendly and she wants me to pass it on by listing 3 blogging women who rock, even as I rock.

I give you:

Angie of All Adither
Jenny of Absolutely Bananas
Beck of Frog and Toad are Still Friends

Everyone should be reading them at all times. The End.

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3 Responses to Shout-Outs

  1. Steph says:

    Oh you are on the internet on a Saturday night too?

  2. All Adither says:

    Am squealing quietly into my hands. (So as not to wake my daughter)

    Thank you!

  3. Beck says:

    Aw, thanks so much! That was a nice thing to wake up to.

    And now I am calling the hair dresser in Utah because my hair is looking VILE. xo

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