I’m Really Glad the Office is Back On

I’ve been having space issues…

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15 Responses to I’m Really Glad the Office is Back On

  1. boomama says:

    That is hilarious.

    Will we see a picture of his new $200 plasma TV next?


  2. kirida says:

    I feel like my life is back in order now that The Office has returned.

  3. Liz says:

    (i like your quilt)

  4. grammyelin says:

    I’m sure I don’t understand the joke from the office, but I really like your new blanket storage unit.

    And I haven’t seen the quilt on your bed before, but it looks pretty good.

    I’m glad you’re home safely. Be happy!

  5. ZaCarrie says:

    I don’t care what Dan says, that “bed” looks sort of narrow and short. 🙂

  6. AJ says:

    Delurking to ask: do you have Hunter’s CD playing in the background? He’s very talented, you know.

    Thanks for the laugh!

  7. Cheetah says:

    you are hilarious!

  8. Mary says:

    Waha! That was our favorite part 🙂

  9. Lindsey says:


  10. Kathy says:

    OMIGOSH! That was a good episode. Can I call you Jan? Do you make candles too? 🙂

  11. Lindsay says:

    Oh, I love me some northern blogger types. Socks in sandals get me everytime. Why I haven’t seen that since, yesterday. I do believe breaking out the sandals despite needing to wear socks to keep ya warm is a sure way to bring on Spring.

  12. HeatherJ says:

    We call that pose… the Doghouse pose.
    Cool quilt, by the way!

  13. Jd says:

    Now i have to go see it! Oh wait church first then go to NBC.com lol

  14. Surcie says:

    You two are so clever.

    That was a great episode, but I was SO uncomfortable, as if I was a guest at the dinner party. I still laugh over that little TV.

  15. Stacey Tate says:

    I have missed The Office as well. I must say this episode was a too “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” for me. Way too angry. Maybe the writers are still mad.

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