Mercenary Me

It’s time again for the most fun ever. Please take a few minutes to fill out this reader survey. It helps my advertising network sell ad space on the site if they can tell Tillamook that all my readers eat cheese 3 times a day and other such nonsense. When results come in, I’ll type them up so you can see who else is reading along with you.


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2 Responses to Mercenary Me

  1. Nancy says:

    the link didn’t work for me????

  2. seven says:

    I tried, but when I said that one of the members of my family worked in advertising, they said I wasn’t what they were looking for. 🙁
    Oh well.
    Hey, how did you get that code? I looked around on my blogher profile to find it, but it didn’t work. I’d like to put up a similar post, but I have no idea how. 🙂

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