Well, we’re back from a lovely 9 days of playing in Calgary and camping in Banff. I hadn’t been back up to Alberta for over 10 years and I’d never taken Dan or the kids up there. More pictures and details will follow.
While I was away, I had a few post-dated posts show up on my blog, kind of like timered lights to protect my vacant cyber-house. Who knew the mushroom would be such a big hit?
It always makes me nervous when I see someone post that they’re going to be on vacation. I play the “if I were a perpetrator” game and think, “If I were a perpetrator, I would keyword search the blogosphere to find out who was out of town, track down their address and rob them.” It’s a fun game. It’s a game that combined with the “if I were a hungry bear game” makes me terrified to go alone to the campsite bathroom at night and therefore makes me need to pee 5 times more than usual. It’s almost as fun as being pregnant.

And thanks to Heffalump for spurring me on to start instituting niceness into my life and blog from now on. I’ll work on it, I promise.

Wow, what a beautiful place. I’ve never been to Canada but can see why so many people love it. It reminds me a lot of the Northwest only colder :o) Glad you had a great time.
“It jump to the left and then a step to your right…”
The time warp was awesome. So is that hat. Oh, and the breathtaking photoskills are pretty nifty, too.
That is an awesome hat. It says fashion icon all over it!
That is also a gorgeous picture of the lake. Maybe there are beautiful places outside of Oregon. Now I want to go to Canada!
That photo is STUNNING. I have a similar one from Waterton Lakes National Park. Gorgeous!
I totally avoid posting and saying when we’re going out of town or I even avoid pointing out that I’m home alone when my husband goes on business trips.
Oh my that lake looks gorgeous!! And is that 1/2 a bra on your head in the first shot?
I was just thinking you had seemed scarce lately. And man! Camping for 9 days? My hat’s off to you, although I see your’s is still on.
Beautiful pictures!
I love Banff. So fun for you to get to bring your family to the motherland.
Welcome home!
I am sooooo Jealous. My brother has just been up there too. I have never been able to take my husband up there! He has always wanted to go. I of course would be so useless in showing him around. Summer is when I miss Calgary the most.
It’s because of you and the way you never post real names that I changed my blog! Can you believe people actually post their hometowns, birthdays, etc.?!?!
It’s nice to see Ole’ Lady Louise has kept up her looks in her old age.
That photo is amazing, i immediately showed my husband and attempted to make it my desktop, but the dimensions would need to be changed. Canada, hmmm…
Looks so much more fun than the mosquito infested, Noah like downpour camping trip I just experienced at Mt. Baker. Maybe we will attempt Canada next. Probably next year, I think this camping trip and my 32 mosquito bites broke my outdoor spirit. Gorgeous pics! Looks exactly the same as when I was 11.
I went to Lake Louise once as a kid. While we were in Canada (camping too) President Nixon resigned. Since I was all of 9, I got this creepy vibe like important stuff shouldn’t happen when we are out of the country.
When we were planning our wedding I saw a photo of the lake that included the princess castle as I called it (it’s a Fairmont hotel I think). I held the photo up and before I could say a word my husband said, “Ooh! Lake Louise! We should honeymoon in Banff!” Not that we did, but I sure loved that he recognized it from the photo. Someday we will go.
Oh, and I was afraid to mention on my blog that we were going out of town too. Right with ya there.
That beautiful!
That hat… I’m keep giggling when I look at you in that hat.
I too noticed that you hadn’t been as seen as usual. I’m glad that you weren’t eaten by bears and that your house is safe and sound.
That gorgeous picture makes me want to get my traveling shoes on and go. What a beautiful way to start the day!
Ah, the Great White North! I haven’t been to Banff for almost 15 years, and Calgary for three. Sadly, I was unable to make it to Alberta this year (sob!!), but I already have the dates down for a great excursion to Waterton next summer…
GORGEOUS pictures. Wow.
Did this point contain a subtle announcement of pregnancy? Or is that just wishful thinking on my part?
So . . . that comment about “almost as fun as being pregnant” . . .
I’ve got to say, the mushroom thing has me kind of freaked out. I cook with mushrooms about every day and have been looking for evil faces in my bowl ever since. Nothing yet… da dum…da dum…
Have mercy. Banff is one of the places I dream of visiting!
You could not be cuter, by the way.
Oh, and the view is nice, too. 😉
Gorgeous pictures! Looking forward to seeing more.
I laughed when I read about you post dating posts to show up while you were on vacation. I feel the same way and I always wonder what I’m posting online that is going to set me up for one of the weirdos of the world to take notice.
What a gorgeous picture! You look like you had a good time too! 🙂
That’s a gorgeous picture.
Hey! I have that same exact hat. We are so cool you and I.
Dude, you are so cute 🙂